
Do you have a diaper changing area?
Do you have computers for children?
Can children play computer games?
Do you have story times?
Can I bring my infant along to story time for my 3-year old?
Can I drop my kids off to use the library alone?

Do you have a diaper changing area?

Yes. We have a rest room which is unisex and wheelchair accessible which also has a wall-mounted changing table. We do request, however, that you dispose of your dirty diapers outside of the library.

Do you have computers for children?

There are no computers for children in the library.  We have found that families prefer to have a non-digital more hands-on experience.  We have lots of toys and books.

Do you have story times?

We have a full schedule of story times with crafts for pre-school and lower grade children. Some may require registration although most are drop-in. We also hold special story times during the year.

Can I bring my infant along to story time for my 3-year old?

Yes. We try to accommodate everyone so that they can enjoy the library to the fullest. We do ask, however, that if your children, infant or older, disrupt the activity, that you remove that child until he or she is ready to rejoin the group.

Can I drop my kids off to use the library alone?

Our policy states that children 11 years of age or older can be left without parental supervision.  Please be sure that your child can reach you if needed. If there’s an emergency such as an early closing and we can’t reach a child’s parent, we’ll contact the police to keep your child safe.